Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tulle Talk

Today started out fantastically. Although I had to wake up early, I managed to put together a look I would pin on pinterest, or admire on the street. Nothing fancy, but I felt good. Then I took my two favorite boys to the beach for some adventures. There is something about being the only person for miles and miles on the shore of a rocky beach in fall that centers you. Add looking through the lens of two three year olds, and you're feeling like life is alright. Then, you spill your coffee everywhere, bang your elbow on the car door, and get your credit card statement in the mail, and cry out of frustration because you can't understand it correctly, and the customer service rep asks if you "really understand the concept of a billing cycle" well, sir, when you put it like that, I'm not too sure anymore.  So, I lit my favorite candle, turned on my go-to playlist, texted some of my best friends, and changed into a big sweater and leggings, cause its comfy, and familiar, and there is nothing I don't understand about a good knit and some fleece-lined leggings. As I was shedding my presentable exterior, a little piece of sea glass fell out of my pocket, and stung my heart. Everyone gets wrapped up in their daily lives and complain about things that don't really matter in the sitting-on-the-porch-at-sunset-looking-back-at-life-as-a-movie-reel scheme of things. And then that Sarah McLaughlin commercial comes on, or someone tells you that other people would be lucky to have the things you have, or you see something horrific on the news and start feeling bad for yourself all over again. At least things happens to me. So today, when that little piece of sea glass that my two little guys looked so hard to find fell out of my pocket, it brought me right back down to reality. Its impossible to be happy and optimistic all the time, and some people find those characteristics even bothersome, but I really believe its better to wake up trying to be better than you were yesterday a worthwhile cause. Small things like complimenting others instead of complaining about yourself, appreciating little things, finding the good in others, and giving life the benefit of the doubt in the end, benefits you more than anyone. No one wants to come to a pity party, they are boring and they're aren't even mason jars filled with lemons and a party straw. Instead, live life a la Kate Spade "with a cocktail in hand and confetti in [your] hair." Celebrate life, and don't sweat the small stuff. I am luckier than I even know, so if all I have to complain about is a credit card statement and an early morning, I am doing just fine. So Dan, from USAA, thanks for your patience, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

Incase you are having one of those days and need a playlist: if you want to sulk for just a second:

New girl is on tonight! I can't get enough of Jess, Nick, and especially Schmidt.

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