I have been anxiously awaiting this day for what feels like forever but in all actuality, has probably only been about two weeks! I have always wanted to do a lifestyle blog, after having a bookmarks bar filled with a few of my favorites (read: obsession), and sparkling with excitement each time I get to read a new post, I have finally decided to start my own! (side note: I studied abroad in the south of France spring semester of my junior year, and my computer crashed...don't feel too bad, I occupied myself enough with the vinyards, Mediterranean Sea, and French food, and literally the week I got Stateside I marched myself into my apple store, and demanded that my computer be backed up, only to be asked what sort of external drive I would need to hold all my important documents, to which I replied, "well, one that is big enough to hold a folder for my bookmarks bar that contains my most favorite blogs and recipies I want to make--I was met with sheer disgust, but its not like I judged him for all the techie blogs Im sureeee he reads!) Anyways, my hesitation came from several sources:I'm not really that cool, I don't have an unlimited budget, and my days are not spent perusing fabulous flea markets. However, after one of my best friends Christy came to visit I renewed my love affair with my city, and motivated myself to live a life that I envy on the internet, albiet a midwestern one, but that is just fine with me (Im working on the coolness). In the fashion of one of my very favorites,
Design Darling I made a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days (or 2.75 years) that I hope will give me lots to document, and in between posts of wish lists and weekly musings, will help me accomplish my very goal of living a fabulous life on a frugal budget and in a farmtown (sortof..) city!
And so it begins...
1. Start a blog wohoo!! 8/1/2012
2. Go whitewater rafting 8/7/2012 Fort Collins, CO
3. Get 100 views on a post
4. Guest write on a blog I admire, online magazine like Matchbook, or even
letter to editor, etc!
5. Work for dream company
6. Develop wardrobe with help of Cupcakes and Cashmere’s
7. Go on a date
8. Get an apartment
9. Start my own company/ etsy shop
10. Workout at least 3x week for 6 months
11.Write a handwritten note to a friend at least once/month
12. Give up diet coke for good
13. Drink 3 glasses of green tea/day for 1 month
14. Blog 5 days a week for 6 months
15. Give a blessingsinabackpag.org bag
16. Have a vegetable garden
17. Buy a homeless person a meal
18. Go zip-lining
19. Send a message in a bottle
20. Throw a mystery murder party
21. Start a stamp collection and make my own stationary for my hand written
22. Go to the Ellen DeGeneres show
23. See a broadway show
24. Learn to sail
25. Visit a famous flea market and buy a vintage piece of furniture to
26. Have a style rack of seasonal
inspiration every season for a year
27. Own a pair of Louboutions
28. Wear sequin dress on NYE
29. By my own car
30. Take a cooking class
31. Become fluent in French
32. Audit a history class
33. Watch one documentary a month for a year
32. Collaborate creatively with a
brand I love
33. Work with an interior design
34. Attend a fashion show
35.Take a trip
36. Collect all Domino Special
37. Get a new Mac
38. Run 5 mile charity run
39. Get laser hair removal
40. Buy and frame original piece
of art (college art show)
41. Go to farmers’ market
42. Collect 10 style/design books
43. Own one of every color of nail
44. Visit my sister in NYC
45. Host family bowling on
Thanksgiving and beat one of my brothers
46. Spend a whole day with Thomas
and one with Oliver doing what they want
47. Plan date night for my parents
48. Participate in citywide
scavenger hunt
49. Go glamping
50. Visit Kat in San Francisco
51. Get a nice camera
52. Try one new food a week for 5
53. Develop a signature cocktail
54. Learn my blood type and donate
55. Skydive
56. Save $20/week
57. Take a floral arranging class
58. Work with professional on my blog
59. Purchase flight day of and go!
60. Invest in 3 different
61. Hike to top of a MT
62. Eat at only food trucks for a
63. Bake an ombre cake
64. Win a contest/give-away
65. Accumulate 5 new pairs of different
66. Have college reunion
67. Write each cousin 1 letter
68. Get faux fur vest
69. Help my mom redo the
70. Make purchase off gilt.com
71. Get a bikini body
72. Watch 5 classic films
73. Go to a drive-in restaurant
74. Get nice luggage
75. Send a present to soldier
76. Play 18 holes of golf
77. Buy and use a reusable shopping
bag for 2/mos
78. Buy a lottery ticket
79. Help someone else write a 101
list and cross something off
80. Go to book signing and get
book signed
81. Get a nice umbrella
82. Find a signature scent
83. Make 5 things from Ps. I made
84. Plant a tree
85. Take weekend trip to Boston
86. Buy something I custom designed
87. Find an occasion to wear false
88. Upgrade to iphone 5
89. Send my Madame letter each
90. Start a tradition
91. Refurbish 5 pieces of
92. Do a polar bear swim
93. Invent a secret recipe
94. Go to a famous zoo
95. Subscribe to National
Geographic Magazine
96. Go to a Green Bay Packer Game
97. Eat at every ward/village in the city
98. Go to an NHL game
99. Make 10 pinterest recipes
100. Get something with a crazy reputation off of a menu
101. Make new list when I finish
this list
Wish me luck, and let me know if you're planning on making a list!