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Grab something warm to drink, change into comfy socks, and snuggle into the corner of a couch...we're gonna chit chat. The past few months have been a big adjustment period. Everyone tells you (or at least everyone told me) that graduating college is actually more fun than being in college because you don't have homework or tests and you actually have money. Instead, I have no full-time, big girl job--and thus no full-time big girl paycheck, I'm not near all my friends, I have 15lbs I could stand to lose from the last few weeks of binge drinking in college, and no significant other of which to speak. This has really been weighing heavy on my heart, but today, I decided that its the opportunity of a lifetime. I can reinvent myself and be or do whatever I want as long as I am willing to put in the time. There is so much pressure to do things on someone else's clock, and while I do feel a sense of urgency to begin a corporate career, I have the opportunity to shop around and decide what I really want to do, explore other cities, and make a few mistakes along the way. And thats what I'm doing. I'm actually considering a job in Alaska....as in, Alaska. But why the hell not? Im up for a year vacation and a pet moose named moose. I want to look back on this time with pride and nostalgia--that I leapt outside my comfort zone, and was still happy through all the craziness. Its really hard though! And no one tells you that part. It is hard making new friends in a city that you come home to--when you grew up in the suburbs and you're no longer close to your high school friends. Especially when you are leaving behind such an amazing group. But I'll get there... signing up for yoga classes, going to happy hours with acquaintances, paying people. Those 15lbs...I mean Pinterest makes it seem like all you have to do is take one extra flight of stairs a day to get rock solid abs. Well, let me tell you firsthand, its going to take more than one flight thats for sure. But its something I want for myself, so Im making small changes that will hopefully turn into big ones. It is so easy to get discouraged when you don't see immediate results, when you don't get a job offer after every interview, or pounds don't just fall off after you run three days in a row...especially when you don't have your normal support system around you. Thats why I love blogs so much. As much as I love my friends to death and can talk to them about these things, there are so many people, women who look amazing and who seem to have it all, who are feeling the same. So anyways, maybe I'll start to check-in every now and then with the progress...
But as for the boyfriend thing? I can't even get started. Mostly because I'm at a loss, so let me know all your secrets you gorgeous 20-somethings with amazing rings and adorable husbands, finances, and boyfriends.
Tomorrow I'm walking in Anthropologie Milwaukee's Fashion Show...Wish me luck I'm terrified.